Exercise After Childbirth

If you’ve had a routine delivery without any complications, you could probably start exercising within a few days. But, if you’ve had an episiotomy or a C-section, you’ll have to wait until your body heals.  If you’re still sore after the birth of your baby, you’re bleeding heavily, or you have a breast infection, do not begin to exercise. Also, before starting a postpartum exercise program, you should always talk to your doctor. Your doctor will let you know when it’s safe to start working out based on your particular circumstances.

How to Start Postnatal Exercise

During the first few weeks after childbirth, it’s important to get enough rest and establish your breast milk supply. So, you’ll want to start exercising slowly. Then, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts as the weeks go on. Keep in mind that stress and fatigue can decrease your breast milk supply and put you at risk for breast issues such as mastitis (a breast infection), so don’t overdo it. If you become too tired or overwhelmed, cut back or stop exercising for a while. You can always start again at a later time.

What You Should Know

As you begin your work out journey, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips to keep you safe and comfortable.

Always check with your doctor first before you begin an exercise program. Breastfeed or pump your breast milk before you begin your work out. Full breasts can make exercising uncomfortable. If you tend to develop mastitis, you should limit upper-body exercises, especially lifting weights. Start working out for short periods of time a few days a week, then gradually increase your activity level. Stop exercising if you feel pain or experience palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, or an increase in vaginal bleeding. To prevent injury, spend a few minutes warming up before beginning your routine, and take a few moments afterward to cool down. Wear a supportive bra that fits you properly. A very tight bra or one that does not provide enough support can be uncomfortable and put you at risk for mastitis. Wear breast pads if you’re concerned about leaking breast milk while you’re working out. You should drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, so have a glass of water before and after your workout. You can even keep a water bottle with you during your workout and have a drink when you take breaks.


The type of activity you choose is as important as the time you spend working at it. If you’re just starting an exercise program, be sure to start slow. And, if you are unsure if an exercise is safe, you can call your doctor’s office. Here are a few safe and easy ways to get started. Go for a swim. Swimming is a fantastic low-impact, whole-body exercise. Go for a walk or a hike. Carrying your baby in a baby carrier or pushing a stroller is an excellent way to get moving and enjoy the fresh air. Join a gym. Many gyms now offer childcare so you can bring your baby with you. Join a Mommy and Me exercise program. Find a yoga class or other exercise class that incorporates the baby into the workout routine. Mommy and Me classes are also an excellent way for new moms to meet and socialize. Take a jog. Go on your own or with your baby. Jogging strollers make it easy for you to take your child out for a run. For safety, make sure you securely strap your child into the stroller and use an infant helmet to prevent injury in the event the stroller tips over. Work out at home. Use a workout or dance DVD or hop on the treadmill. If you have exercise equipment at home, it makes it easier to get in a workout, and it’s perfect for rainy days.

Exercise and Breastfeeding

Although light to a moderate fitness program is safe and healthy, vigorous exercise can lead to a breast infection and cause a decrease in your breast milk supply. It can also change the taste of your breast milk. Strenuous exercise can cause lactic acid to build up in your body and enter your breast milk, giving your usually sweet milk a bitter taste. Sweat can also change the taste of breast milk making the breasts taste salty. Some babies are not bothered by these changes, but others may refuse to breastfeed.

To Minimize Breast Refusal After a Workout

Before breastfeeding, pump or hand express a little bit of breast milk from each breast and throw it away. Then, nurse your baby. You can also breastfeed or express your breast milk for your baby right before you exercise. If you choose to nurse after a workout, it’s a good idea to take a shower or wash your breasts after your workout and before nursing your baby to remove the sweat from your skin. In addition, wait 90 minutes after a strenuous workout before putting your child back to the breast because lactic acid levels can remain in breast milk for that length of time. If your child makes faces when they begin to breastfeed and doesn’t want to continue, don’t force them. If your baby is old enough, you can wait for a little while then try again. Or, if you have it, give your child a bottle with previously collected breast milk. However, don’t put off feeding a young baby. Newborns and young infants need to eat about every two to three hours.

Benefits of Moderate Exercise

There are many benefits to exercise. It’s good for your circulation, muscles, strength, and even your mood. Here are some of the ways working out benefits breastfeeding moms:

Along with a healthy diet and breastfeeding, regular exercise can help you lose your pregnancy weight. It can help prevent heart disease. It gives you energy.  It helps relieve stress. It improves overall health and well-being. It increases lean muscle and keeps you fit. It may lead to a better night’s sleep. It raises your body’s level of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of breast production. It stimulates the release of endorphins, those feel-good hormones that help chase away the baby blues, boost your mood, and make you feel happy.

A Word From Verywell

For a new mom, the hardest part about exercising is probably finding the time. It can be difficult to juggle all the demands of a family, a household, and work, and then still find time to exercise. You may want to hire a babysitter or make arrangements for your partner to watch the kids so you can get in a workout. Ultimately, you should just do what you can and don’t worry if it’s sporadic. It’s important to remember that even a little physical activity is better than none at all.