Yoga is a wonderful resource for expecting and new moms, as well as babies. Working out with a new baby can seem nearly impossible, but taking time for your health and well-being will remind you how important self-care is. Plus, there are benefits for your baby too.

Photo Credit: Pixaby Helen Garabedian, founder of Itsy Bitsy Yoga in Sudbury, MA says, “It will help her sleep longer and help stimulate her mental and physical development. Yoga movements can mimic the soothing rocking motion your baby felt while in the womb. This stimulates the relaxation response in both of you, helping you and your baby fall asleep easier and sleep longer.” Moms, if you’re struggling with sleep deprivation (what 3 month old baby is sleeping anyway) yoga with baby is an excellent resource. Another studio, Sweet Pea Yoga explains that babies may experience relief from colic, gas, and fussiness as a result of yoga. I am a very fast paced person and yoga with baby allowed me to slow down and read my son before trying to soothe him. The calmness of just taking a breath and pausing to think can really pay off. Here are my top tips to navigate yoga with baby:

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