Okay, so now you know the reasons why your in-laws are on your case about creating a clone the old-fashioned way. What can you do about the meddling and pressure? Try these ideas:

Assure your in-laws that you appreciate their concern. After all, they very likely do have your best interests at heart. Explain that your reproductive decisions are your own business, plain and simple. Stress to your in-laws that they don’t have any input in this decision. Encourage them pick out your shower curtain or plastic pink flamingos, instead. Be tactful and stay cool. Stick to your guns. Don’t provide any color commentary, play-by-play, or instant replays of your amorous adventures. Keep your sense of humor. The first year she was married, my friend Shelley got baby gifts from her mother-in-law in lieu of Christmas gifts. Now, since Shelley wasn’t pregnant and had no immediate plans to become so, she could have shoved the rattles and rompers down her mother-in-law’s throat. Instead she just laughed about the too-obvious hint. (Then she returned all the gifts and bought the luscious cashmere sweater she wanted in the first place.)