First aid kit: First aid information, bandages, gauze squares, adhesive tape, thermometer, ice pack, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, syrup of ipecac, activated charcoal, scissors, soap, tweezers, cotton balls, calamine lotion, disposable gloves, paper cups, matches.

There is much to learn about first aid. Why not start by getting a first aid kit together for your family? Listed above are some basic supplies. There are first aid courses for kids. Call your community center, local hospital, or school to find out where they are. Listed below are a few basic things to know:

Head injuries—if there is swelling, loss of consciousness, vomiting, change in the size of pupils of the eye, dizziness, or speech changes, call 911. Broken bones—do not move unless in immediate danger; keep quiet and warm; do not try to straighten bone. Burns—with reddened to blistered skin, immerse in cold water; if skin is destroyed, call 911 and do not do anything to skin. Bleeding—to control, apply firm, steady pressure with covered fingers or hand over the wound itself, and elevate. Choking, lack of breathing, and heart attacks are situations you can learn to deal with given correct information in a class.