Week Number 7

The heart is completely formed. The limb buds are present. On the face, the nostrils have overhanging borders. The eyes appear as dark spots. The tongue is beginning to form. Permanent kidneys begin to form. The head is relatively larger. The trunk of the main body is elongating and straightening. The eyelid folds are forming. In the middle area, the appendix and pancreas are present, and the midgut herniates into the umbilical cord. The pituitary gland is forming in the middle of the brain. Spleen and liver ducts are forming. The intestines elongate. The cerebral cortex (the part of the brain that directs motor activity and intellect) can be seen. The stomach and esophagus begin to form.

Week Number 8

The embryo is half an inch long. The leg buds have divided into thigh, leg, and foot units. The arm buds have divided into hand, arm, and shoulder units. The gonads, testes or ovaries, are forming. Cartilage and bone are forming. The hands are flexed over the wrists and meet over the heart bulge. The feet are approaching the midline and might meet. The eyelids have almost covered the eyes. The external ear is well advanced in form. The head is in a more erect position and the neck is more developed. The limbs are longer. Cartilage appears where bones will later develop. The head is bent forward onto the chest. The eyes develop pigment. Nerve fibers connect the olfactory lobe of the brain, laying the groundwork for the sense of smell. The brain stem is now recognizable.

Week Number 9

The abdomen and chest cavities become separated. The eye muscles and upper lip develop. Using ultrasound, the first fetal movements can be detected. The nerve cells of the eyes’ retinas form. The semicircular canals of the ears form. The nasal passages open to the outside. The nerve connections from the retina to the brain are established. A distinct neck connects the head to the body. All fingers and toes are present. The urinary and rectal passages are completely separate.

Week Number 10

The embryo now weighs 1/3 ounce and is 11/4 inches from the top of the head to the rump. The eyes have moved from the sides of the head closer to the front of the face. Bones begin to replace the cartilage. The palate and roof of the mouth form. The stomach moves into its final position. Taste buds begin to form. Neck muscles are forming. The clitoris appears in females and the testes begin to descend in males. The two lobes of the lungs extend into many tiny tubes (bronchioles). The diaphragm begins to separate the heart and lungs from the stomach.

In month number two your baby is rapidly growing and your hopes are high. Now is the time to balance the discomforts of the hormonal surge with the knowledge that it will all be worth it in the end when you hold your newborn in your arms.