You have three choices with which to answer the following questions. Fill in “Always,” “Sometimes,” or “Never” as it best describes your reactions to the following questions: A majority of “Sometimes” answers with a few “Never” or “Always” answers thrown in represents the most healthy combination of answers. One could surmise that a daughter who scored similarly does not feel internally or emotionally compelled to rebuff or accept all of her mother’s opinions, actions, or attitudes. However, 10 straight “never” answers leaves no room for doubt. You, my dear, are deliberately and obstinately defiant. Ten straight “always” answers would lead one to believe you are ridiculously compliant, trying too hard to please your mother, or trying to maintain her approval at the expense of your personal opinions and choices. Either extreme—being too compliant or being too defiant—suggests…

A preponderance of unresolved issues with Mom. A lack of full-fledged independence and no self-motivated identity. An unwillingness to assume responsibility for your own actions, thereby blaming your foibles or successes completely on Mom.