Research on Alcohol in Early Pregnancy
Some studies have suggested that consuming alcohol during the first few weeks of pregnancy can harm the development of the fetus. However, other studies have suggested that drinking during the early days of pregnancy does not harm a developing fetus. Research has also provided evidence that it’s a person’s pattern of drinking (for example, having one drink per day as opposed to binge drinking) that wields the most influence on the effect alcohol consumption has on fetal development.
Key Time of Development
Body systems and organs are developing during the embryonic stage of pregnancy which begins at fertilization and lasts through week 8. The heart, central nervous system, eyes, arms, and legs of the fetus are developing during the first four weeks of pregnancy—when many people are not yet aware that they are pregnant. These developing organ systems are more vulnerable to damage during the early stages of development.
Drinking Pattern Is Significant
Over the years, studies of fetal alcohol syndrome have found that a pregnant person’s pattern of drinking has the greatest effect on a fetus. The most dangerous drinking patterns are chronic drinking, heavy drinking, and binge drinking.
Study Finds No Adverse Effects
A study of 5,628 pregnant women in England, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia found that women who drank during the early weeks of pregnancy were not at an increased risk for premature birth or low birth weight babies. The women also did not have an increased risk for high blood pressure complications during pregnancy. The rates of premature birth and low-birth-weight babies for women who reported having seven or more drinks per week (about 15% of the group) were the same as the rates in women who did not drink.
Is Low-Level Drinking Dangerous?
A study of 1,264 pregnant women conducted a year later by the University of Leeds in England found that women who drank even low-level amounts of alcohol during the first weeks of pregnancy were at risk for having premature or unexpectedly small babies.
A Word From Verywell
It’s unclear how alcohol consumed during early pregnancy will affect a fetus, but most health organizations advise people to stop drinking alcohol as soon as they intend to become pregnant or as soon as they find out that they are pregnant.